Part 8 Notice - Preaching House Lane Ballyconnell

Dúnta28 Már, 2024, 12:20 - 26 Aib, 2024, 16:00

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Article 81 – Part 8

Pursuant to the requirements of the above, notice is hereby given that Cavan County Council proposes to undertake the following works at Market Square / Preaching House Lane, Ballyconnell. The proposal is for the following: Demolition of Existing Derelict House and associated sheds and Development of a new community space and gardens and realignment / widening of Preaching House Lane (L-50532).

The works include demolition works and road realignment and widening of Preaching House Lane and;

The proposed development will consist of:

  • Existing Derelict House: Demolition of existing House and associated sheds / outhouses, to provide community spaces and realignment of Preaching House Lane
  • Site Works: Site development works, including landscaping, kerbing, drainage, footpaths, road carriageway works, lighting, bicycle parking and all associated site services above and below ground.

Any person may, within 4 weeks from the date of this notice, apply to An Bord Pleanála for a screening determination as to whether the proposed development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment.

The plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during office hours at the Planning Office, Farnham Centre Cavan Town and the Cavan-Belturbet Municipal District Office, Church Street, Ballyconnell, by appointment only, up to and including the 12th of April 2024.

The Development has been subject to an An Appropriate Assessment Screening and Ecological Report, Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Report, Archaeological Impact Report and drainage of the proposed development in accordance with Article 6 (3) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) and the Planning and Development Acts 2000. In accordance with Article 81 of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001, Cavan County Council has concluded from a preliminary examination, that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development.


The proposed development is not of a class set out under Schedule 5 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended, and does not require Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

Brendan Jennings
Director of Services,
Cavan County Council
Courthouse, Cavan
11th March 2024